Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Screenwriting is for Chumps (like you and me)

For me, as with many, writing is (soon to be was) something that I dreaded. Whether it was writing a paper for school, posting to a blog, writing a letter to Grandma, whatever, it was a major chore.

To write my own screenplay seemed like a monumental task that I wanted nothing to do with. Unfortunately, getting someone else to write one for me (for free) was next to impossible. Even if I could talk someone into writing a screenplay, I would probably had to wait forever to read the first draft, since most people do have "lives" outside of my realm of make-believe.

This lead me to the point I am as of this posting. I am currently writing my own screenplay and am quite far along. "How?", you ask. Two reasons:

1. From what I have learned so far, when it comes to making an independent film (especially your first or second) you cannot wait on other people to get shit done. For me personally, writing my own script is a good indicator of my motivation to make a movie.

2. I ran across some free script writing software that makes the entire process somewhat enjoyable. Behold celtx.

Not being much of a writer, I was not very excited to download celtx and get it installed on my computer. This meant that I would have to start writing. Anyway, I forced myself to hit the download link, I forced myself to install it and I forced myself to start writing... and low and behold, I have discovered that I like to write (fiction).

I am very close to finishing my first draft of an actual screenplay (treatment completed early on). This new software help tremendously. It helps keep me and my thoughts organized like never before. I have tried other project and word processing software but this one just seems to fit. And so far, they aren't charging a dime.

This, I'm sure, sounds like an advert for cletx but I just like this software so much that I gotta toot their horn.

Take a look for yourself... www.celtx.com
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sensitivity and the Internet

Well, I guess the name of my blog is offensive to some. I got my link removed from a forum that I frequent. Hmmm.

Here's the deal. I changed the blog URL from fuckfilmschool to forgofilmschool... but I'm keeping the header name.

Hopefully this is more palatable to most.

Mr. D&D
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Friday, March 23, 2007

Learning is fun?

Yes. When you are not supposed to be doing it. Kind of like sneaking into the boys/girls bathroom and hot-boxing a cig (or joint). Smoking is a stinky and disgusting process yet when you're not suppose to...

At work you like to surf the net for shit related to film making. Are you supposed to be doing that? Is that what you are getting paid for? Probably not. If you think about it, the fact that you are not "supposed to" makes it kind of fun.

You get the point.

Regardless, you are reading this blog to obtain knowledge and to explore someone else's perspective. Without further ado, I will supply some content and insight.

Book review time!

From Reel to Deal: Everything You Need to Create a Successful Independent Film - by Dov S-S Simens

If I had to recommend a "first book" to read before venturing into film making, this would be it. This guy really lays out the realities of the business in a novel "no B.S." style. At the end of each chapter he gives a huge list of resources related to what you have just read.

There is lots of useful stuff in this book. I am talking insight and experience not resource lists.

I highly recommend purchasing this book asap. Since we are doing things guerrilla style, buy the book used.

Over and out,
Mr. Down and Dirty
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Welcome Welcome Welcome

Well, here we are. Post number one.

Hopefully, the header description for this blog explains it all. Obviously, I have an issue with dropping lots of cash on film school... as should you.

It's simple really. Do you have natural talent? Maybe, maybe not. If not, you aren't going to "learn" natural talent in school. Do the schools know this? Yes. Do they care? No. As long as you are signing the checks to pay the tuition, they will blow sunshine up your skirt all day long.

What if you have real natural talent? Won't film school give you the tools and hone your skills? Yes, it will but... you can force yourself to read books and give yourself exercises and assignments for free! Plus, from what I hear, unlike other industries, nobody cares if you have a film degree as long as you can produce top notch stuff. (that is only what I have read and heard, albeit from several sources)

Isn't film school a great place to network and get ideas from other aspiring filmmakers? Yes, but so is the internet. Compare the costs: Film school could be $20,000 to $50,000 per year whereas a good high-speed connection is about $40 per month or $480 per year.

So what, my parents are paying for it anyway? Come up with a clever way to get your parents to spend that money on killer camera and sound equipment (usually never happens but worth a try) and start putting it to good use.

Anyway... I am probably going to piss off an entire shitload of people who are attending, have attended, teach at or work at some sort of film school. That is not the intention of this blog. My intention is to school the rest of us... those with low income parents, those who are getting too old to go to film school (myself included), those who want to do it the hard way... and most importantly, those who just want to make films for the love of making films (again, myself included).

I have been severely infected with the film making bug. I am too old and too broke for film school. With this in mind, I am on a quest for knowledge and a mission to make movies anyway (good movies, not that YouTube garbage). Whenever I can, I will share what I have learned with you.

Mr. Down and Dirty